
"The mind is the source of our suffering, and meditation allows us time outside the mind."

People say that they are "bad" at meditating, but that stems from a fundamental lack of understanding of meditation. When you sit down to meditate, there is something you can do, and something that can happen. People confuse the act of meditating with the outcome of achieving a no-mind state.

Meditation is composed of two things:

  1. Dharana: Dharana is the action in a meditation technique. In other words, it is the act of doing a certain technique. It serves as a focus to return to when the mind eventually starts to wander.
  1. Dhyana: Dhyana is the state of mind you achieve with the meditation. In other words, people use a Dharana to achieve Dhyana. Dhyana is what most people think meditation is — a particular state of mind of understanding, peace, or concentration.

If a meditation technique doesn't work for you, then that does not mean that you are "bad" at meditating. It means that the particular technique is not built for your unique cognitive fingerprint. Focusing on the breath is not the only meditation technique out there. There are about 112 meditation techniques and theoretically, there should be one for every person who lives, has lived, and will live on this planet.

The technique that fits your cognitive fingerprint the best is the one that will get you to the state of Dhyana the fastest.

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